Delivering soup

Soupa idea from Goostrey

Before Christmas, the Rev Heather Buckley had an inspirational idea to visit some of her more isolated parishioners with a weekly soup delivery. This provided her an opportunity to ‘check in’ with everyone. Volunteers made different soups every week and with the help and support of Alison Wright, Co op Member Pioneer, over 400 cups of soup were delivered together with a roll and a serviette. The final Soupa Soup run before Christmas was accompanied by Father Christmas in his sleigh.

Because of the popularity of this service, Rev Heather Buckley has re-started the deliveries with over 40 people on the list to receive soup. Bidlea Dairy have very kindly provided bottles and a bottle washing service to ease the logistics of distributing the soup.

Rev Heather said “it’s so lovely to see so many smiling faces, and to see people face to face (or mask to mask) on their doorsteps”.

Alison Wright said “It’s such a simple, innovative idea to reach those members of our community who are suffering the most because of their isolation, I am so pleased to be able to help with this project and I echo what Heather said, it’s just lovely to see the smiling faces as they receive their soup”.